March 2023

TikTok Faces Further Bans in Europe

Akshaya Asokan


“The French government is the latest to announce a ban on the use of TikTok on government devices, citing data privacy and cybersecurity concerns.”

Europol details ChatGPT’s potential for criminal abuse


“With the increased public interest in ChatGPT, the Europol Innovation Lab took the matter seriously and conducted a series of workshops involving subject matter experts from various departments of Europol. These workshops aimed to investigate potential ways in which large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can be exploited by criminals and how they can be utilized to aid investigators in their day-to-day tasks.”

Balancing security risks and innovation potential of shadow IT teams


“Shadow IT teams, also known as rogue IT teams, have grown in popularity in recent years due to the rise of cloud-based apps and remote work. However, this has led to operational tension and security risks within many businesses.”

Outlook Zero-Day Needs Quick Patching : Microsoft


“Earlier this month, Microsoft disclosed that a Russian hacking group Fancy Bear, aka APT28, exploited a zero-day in Microsoft’s flagship email management software, Outlook, between mid-April and December 2022. The company recently shared additional details, and guidance to help customers discover IoCs associated with the vulnerability to minimize the attack surface.”

New MacStealer macOS Malware Steals iCloud Keychain Data and Passwords



“A new information-stealing malware has set its sights on Apple's macOS operating system to siphon sensitive information from compromised devices.”

Hackers attack Wisconsin court system computer network


“A cyberattack began early this week, according to a statement from court officials. Network users may have experienced intermittent service or slower than usual response times from online services, court officials said. Asked when specifically the attack began and if it's still ongoing, courts spokesman Tom Sheehan said in an email that he had no further information.”

Nexus: New Feature-Rich Android Banking Trojan


“A relatively new banking trojan, dubbed Nexus, is being promoted as a MaaS subscription on dark web forums. It is said to have a wide range of capabilities required to take over banking and cryptocurrency accounts, and a built-in list of exploits for over 450 banking and financial applications.”

MITRE Rolls Out Supply Chain Security Prototype


“MITRE has quietly released a cloud-based prototype platform for its new System of Trust (SoT) framework that defines and quantifies risks and cybersecurity concerns for the supply chain.”

New Instagram scam uses fake SHEIN gift cards as lure

Luis Corrons


“This social media scam begins  with a comment from a random account on a user’s post, which congratulates the victim saying they’re one of the 2023 lucky ones selected to receive a SHEIN gift card.”

Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023 Day 2: Microsoft Teams, Oracle VirtualBox, and Tesla hacked

Pierluigi Paganini


“On the second day of Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023, the organization awarded $475,000 for 10 unique zero-day vulnerabilities, bringing the total awarded to $850,000!

The bug hunters demonstrated zero-day attacks against the Oracle VirtualBox virtualization platform, Microsoft Teams, Tesla Model 3, and the Ubuntu Desktop OS.”

Mac Malware MacStealer Spreads as Fake P2E Apps

Qi Sun, Luis Magisa


“We detected Mac malware MacStealer spreading via websites, social media, and messaging platforms Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. Cybercriminals lure victims to download it by plagiarizing legitimate play-to-earn (P2E) apps’ images and offering jobs as beta testers.”

Financial cyberthreats in 2022


“Financial gain remains the key driver of cybercriminal activity. In the past year, we’ve seen multiple developments in this area – from new attack schemes targeting contactless payments to multiple ransomware groups continuing to emerge and haunt businesses. However, traditional financial threats – such as banking malware and financial phishing, continue to take up a significant share of such financially-motivated cyberattacks.”

WiFi protocol flaw allows attackers to hijack network traffic

Bill Toulas


“Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a fundamental security flaw in the design of the IEEE 802.11 WiFi protocol standard, allowing attackers to trick access points into leaking network frames in plaintext form.”

How scammers employ IPFS for email phishing



“The idea of creating Web 3.0 has been around since the end of 2000s. The new version of the world wide web should repair the weak points of Web 2.0., some of which are: featureless content, prevalence of proprietary solutions, and lack of safety in a centralized user data storage environment, where a massive leak is likely should just one server be compromised. Web 3.0 is described as a decentralized and open internet — some of its features already implemented in today’s digital world.”

White House ‘very in favor’ of bill thought to target TikTok


“One of the authors of a Senate bill that would enable the US commerce department to ban technologies with links to foreign governments has said the Biden White House is “very in favor” of the measure, but stopped short of saying whether the administration has discussed possibly prohibiting the Chinese-owned platform TikTok in particular.”